Pledge to Sign a new ballot measure to phase out new fracking projects
A successful state ballot initiative is our greatest hope to transform Colorado from one of the nation’s largest GHG polluters to a global leader in the transition away from fossil fuels and toward a just, thriving, Renewable Energy future.
View the ballot language here | Endorse the ballot initiative language here
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No matter who we are or where we live, every Coloradan deserves to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and give our children a thriving planet.
A gradual phase-out of fracking will mean:
• Cleaner air for ourselves, and for our children
• More clean, safe water in Colorado
• Helping us continue Colorado’s leadership in creating clean energy jobs
• Taking on the climate crisis
• Helping communities in Colorado stand up to polluters.
With this initiative, Coloradans can protect their land, air, and water; and continue to lead the way in taking on climate change.
This a real plan to phase out fracking, in a way that grows our economy, and protects Colorado’s environment. It helps the communities most affected by fracking pollution, and helps Colorado to continue our leadership in the clean energy economy.
This video from Earthworks shows what we don’t see with our eyes – toxic fumes and chemicals that end up in the air we breath and the water we drink.
The Benefits of Phasing Out Fracking
Reducing Air Pollution
The oil and gas industry is Colorado’s #1 source of many types of air pollution, including those that cause respiratory problems like asthma, heart attacks and premature death. Phasing out fracking means cleaner air in Colorado.
Protecting frontline communities
Fracking contaminates our communities with toxic chemicals in the air and water, even miles away from the fracking site. Phasing out fracking means cleaner communities across Colorado.
Cleaner and more abundant water
Each fracked well consumes 5-10 million gallons of fresh water, which is made so toxic it is typically removed from the water cycle. Phasing out fracking means cleaner and more abundant water, all across the state.
More clean energy jobs, and more money in Coloradans’ pockets.
Pollution emitted by oil and gas operations in Colorado costs us a billion dollars a year in pollution and clean-up costs, and chains us to a 20th Century industry. Colorado is already a leader in the clean energy economy – phasing out fracking will help us continue that leadership and create jobs across the state.
Keep Colorado a leader in taking on climate change.
Colorado has long led the way in protecting the environment and transitioning to renewable energy. The oil and gas industry is the #1 remaining source of Colorado’s climate pollution. It’s time we take the next step in leading the way for a livable planet.
What about the jobs? What about the economy?
Fracking and other oil and gas development in Colorado are only a small fraction of the state’s diverse economy, while causing major economic damage to the state and the public.
A phase-out of oil and gas permitting is feasible, but because some counties are more dependent on oil and gas income, the state must mobilize resources to help.
See this report by Colorado Fiscal Institute to learn more about the impacts and economic reality of fracking and other oil and gas operations in Colorado.
Here are some key facts and figures from the report:
“The oil and gas extraction industry, along with the pipeline construction and transportation industries and support industries for oil and gas make up just 1.8% of total wages in the state, 3.4% of total personal income, 3.3% of GDP and less than 1% (0.7%) of total employment.”
“The industry creates significant health, environmental, and other costs that are paid by Coloradans, not the industry. While some serious impacts of oil and gas development are not quantifiable, many are. Pollution emitted by oil and gas operations in Colorado will cause well over $13 billion of damages between 2020 and 2030, based on calculations of the social cost of oil and gas pollution that are set in state law.”
“Other health and environmental costs include emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), which lead to dozens of deaths in Colorado each year, high amounts of water usage, lower property values near oil and gas drilling sites, habitat fragmentation, and costs related to cleaning and plugging abandoned oil and gas wells, much of which is paid for by Colorado communities instead of the companies that made the mess.”

Why a ballot measure? What will it do?
Next steps? How you can help?