We’re a dedicated group of volunteers and grassroots organizations with the courage to meet big challenges with bold solutions. Together, we are committed to working toward a just transition to clean energy in Colorado: a future that ensures our health and safety and protects us from the dangers of oil and gas fracking and development.
From parents to doctors to outdoor workers (and everything in between), we share a common concern – that Colorado’s fracking boom is threatening our health, safety and quality of life. The more fracking Colorado allows, the dirtier our air and water become, the more our planet overheats creating suffering through more wildfires, droughts and storms, and the slower we are able to transition to a new, clean, revitalized economy.
The U.N. has declared a clean and healthy environment to be a human right. No Coloradan should be held hostage to industry profits. We deserve better. That is why we are organizing for solutions that will clean up the air and water, protect communities that have been harmed disproportionately by fracking and other pollution, help industry workers and dependent communities transition, and stop pouring climate-heating greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.
We are organizing to phase out new fracking permits by 2030. Please join our efforts and take action now!
Safe & Healthy Colorado is a coalition of grassroots organizations born from the will of the people of Colorado and the visionary leadership of long-time local organizers. We exist to create a future in which all Coloradans have clean air, clean water, clean energy, and a livable climate.
Our power is people power. Time and again, as regulations have failed to protect Coloradans from the dangers of fracking, our volunteers have risen up to demand that health and safety come first. In 2018, our ally Colorado Rising successfully placed Proposition 112 for a 2,500’ safety zone on the ballot, securing 1 million votes from around the state. Knowing that lives were on the line, pressure was also put on state legislators to reform fracking regulations, resulting in the first-ever denials of drilling permits in Colorado. Many Safe & Healthy Colorado coalition members helped lead these efforts.
No Coloradan should live in an industry sacrifice zone; we have the right to guaranteed protection from polluting industries in our neighborhoods. That is why we fought for 2,500 ft. safety zones between fracking and homes and schools. While these setbacks were finally increased from 500 ft. to 2,000 ft. in 2021, loopholes exist, and we know greater protection is needed to protect our health, our communities and our children’s futures.
Since the start of the Polis Administration over 4,000 fracking well permits have been approved by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. We need evidence-based statewide regulations that put the health and safety of Coloradans first.
We are standing up for the protections that Coloradans deserve. We are standing up for the future that Coloradans deserve.
Learn more about efforts to increase Safety Zones between fracking and our homes, schools and other occupied buildings here.