Support the ballot initiative as a teacher or educator
Educators for Phasing Out Fracking
As educators, we care about children and young adults. We care about their health. Fracking is bad for everyone’s health, but particularly impacts the younger and more vulnerable among us, those whom we are bound to protect and educate.
Proximity of fracking is correlated with childhood leukemia. A causal relationship has been established from fracking to negative birth outcomes including congenital anomolies, prematurity, and low birth weight. Fracking is the leading cause of ozone pollution in Colorado. According to the US EPA, “Long-term exposure to ozone is linked to aggravation of asthma, and is likely to be one of many causes of asthma development. Studies in locations with elevated concentrations also report associations of ozone with deaths from respiratory causes.”
If we love our children and young people, and as educators we do, then we need to phase out fracking in Colorado.
Quotes from educators supporting the ballot initiative

Ruth Hund
Math and science teacher, 22 years
“I know the science and understand the statistics. I love the kids I taught. I cannot bear to watch their health suffer for more oil and gas profits. We already have enough wells to transition to a green economy.”
Jennie Edgar
Number of years as an educator + subjects taught
“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you as an educator and steward of our children’s futures.”
Brigitte Debord
Number of years as an educator + subjects taught
“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you as an educator and steward of our children’s futures.”