Support the ballot initiative for a gradual phase out of fracking permits in colorado

Artists, Musicians, Celebrities & Influencers for Phasing Out Fracking

As artists, musicians, and influencers, you possess a powerful role in shaping the cultural narratives and future of Colorado and the rest of the world.

The extraction of oil and gas is a major contributor to climate change, posing a considerable threat to the world your audience and future generations will inherit.

With your unique ability to shift cultural narratives and bring love and healing into the world through your work, you are in a potent position to advocate for policies that ensure a healthier, more sustainable future for all!

Endorse the ballot initiative

Quotes from artists, musicians, celebrities & influencers supporting the ballot initiative

Bill McKibben

Author and founder of

“Safe & Healthy Colorado’s initiative to phase out new oil and gas permits by 2030 is exactly the kind of action needed to heed the call of scientists around the world telling us we must rapidly transition off fossil fuels to keep global temperature rise below 1.5C! I encourage everyone to pitch in and support this historic effort.”

Name of endorser

Organization Name Here, details of work

“Add your quote, photo, and endorsement here.”

Name of endorser

Organization Name Here, details of work

“Add your quote, photo, and endorsement here.”

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