Support the ballot initiative for a gradual phase out of fracking permits in colorado

Athletes & Outdoor Sports Enthusiasts for Phasing Out Fracking

As athletes and outdoor sports enthusiasts, you hold a key role in advocating for the natural environment and future of Colorado. The extraction of oil and gas is a significant contributor to climate change, posing a major threat to the world that future generations will inherit.

Despite the oil and gas industry making up a small part of Colorado’s economy (oil and gas employs 6 times fewer people in CO than the outdoor recreation industry), it creates a disproportionately large environmental and public health impact.

Your perspective is uniquely important as you experience firsthand the effects of climate change on our outdoors, impacting the conditions and natural landscapes that you rely on for your activities. These environmental changes are not abstract—they directly influence your lifestyle and sporting pursuits.

As athletes and outdoor sports enthusiasts, you are in a powerful position to advocate for policies that ensure a healthier, more sustainable future. Your endorsement can significantly influence the trajectory towards a healthier, more sustainable, and prosperous Colorado, where the interests of sports enthusiasts and future generations are preserved.

Endorse the ballot initiative

Quotes from athletes & outdoor sports enthusiasts supporting the ballot initiative

Heidi Juhl


“Extraction is about profit for the very few. Eliminate Extraction Expeditiously!”

Ingrid Mounier


“We need to stop extracting fossil fuels NOW.”

Name of endorser

A little bit about you, details of your work

“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you.”

Ready to endorse the ballot initiative?