Support the ballot initiative for a gradual phase out of fracking permits in colorado
Community & Environmental Organizations for Phasing Out Fracking
As community and environmental organizations, you have an integral role in shaping the present and future of Colorado. The extraction of oil and gas is a major factor driving climate change, posing a significant threat to the world we are committing to future generations.
Even though the oil and gas industry accounts for a small segment of Colorado’s economy, it has a disproportionately large impact on our environment and public health.
In your influential positions, you have the power to champion policies that prioritize a healthier and more sustainable future. That’s why your support for a ballot initiative to phase out fracking after 2030 in Colorado is so important. Your backing can significantly influence the trajectory towards a cleaner, greener Colorado.
Quotes from community & environmental organizations supporting the ballot initiative
Olga Gonzalez
Executive Director, Cultivando
“Our children should not be sacrificed for the sake of cheaper gasoline.”
Beth Hendrix
Executive Director, League of Women Voters of Colorado
“The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports Ballot Initiatives #46 and #47 because fracking is a poor long term solution to our energy needs. We believe energy development projects in Colorado should be environmentally sound and follow all federal and state environmental laws. The League supports an interrelated approach, including energy conservation, air pollution controls, building resilience, and promotion of renewable resources, is necessary to protect public health and defend the overall integrity of the global ecosystem. We believe this strategy will lead to the wise use of Colorado’s energy resources. The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports Ballot Initiatives #46 and #47 which will promote a clean and healthy environment, consider quality of life, and provide the greatest benefit to the greatest number of Coloradans, present and future.”
Robert Ukeiley
Center for Biological Diversity
“To stop the extinction crisis and the climate crisis, we have to get off of fossil fuels.”
Moshe Kornfeld
Colorado Jewish Climate Action
“We are in the midst of an existential planetary crisis that requires us to keep carbon in the ground. We at Colorado Jewish Climate Action are inspired by Jewish tradition that demands that we engage in tikkun olam, in actions that repair the world. This ballot initiative leverages the people’s power to do the bold, sacred, and absolutely necessary work we need to do in order to create a just and livable future.”

Jeff Ordower
350 Action
“We cannot continue to frack our way out of the climate crisis. 350 Action is proud to stand with Coloradans working to phase out fossil fuels and pave the way for the rest of us.”
Ed Behan
Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety, & the Environment
“It is way past time to start phasing out, both for the sake of our air quality here in Colorado, and the health of our planet’s climate in general!”
Harv Teitelbaum
Physicians for Social Responsibility Colorado
“The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that the world must rapidly move away from fossil fuels — the number one cause of the climate crisis, in part by reducing methane emissions by at least a third.
The health effects of methane fracking include cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, birth defects, and more We must formally transition away from fossil fuels and fracking immediately.”
Peg Rooney
President- Audubon Colorado Council
“Men come and go, cities rise and fall, whole civilizations appear and disappear – the earth remains…” Edward Abbey
Jeff Neuman-Lee
Wind & Solar Denver
“The noxious ozone that comes from fracking shortens the lives of people who live along the front range and in Weld County. It is done at great cost. Yet the economic power of the frackers is that they spend millions to convince people that “fracking is not a dirty word.” What drivel. Fracking kills. And the products of fracking are going to lose their markets. We want them to phase away so that the cleaner world can exist without them.”
Luke George
Foothills Unitarian Universalist Church
“We must keep oil and gas in the ground.”
Don Perl
Weld Air and Water
“Let the word go forth, our voices build for the health of us all. “
Allie Corradino
Officer, Divest DU
“The fossil fuel industry is the single most destructive industry in the world right now. It destroys the most fundamental systems of life for humans, animals, plants and entire ecosystems.”
Beckett Nelson-Gardner
Denver Public Schools Students for Climate Action
“We support the phase out fracking ballot initiative because as a student organization we are looking to help make a better future for all.”