Support the ballot initiative for a gradual phase out of fracking permits in colorado

Farmers & Ranchers for Phasing Out Fracking

As farmers and ranchers, you play a fundamental role in shaping the rural landscapes and sustainability of Colorado. Despite the oil and gas industry making up a small portion of Colorado’s economy, it has a disproportionately large impact on our environment and public health.

The pollution from the oil and gas industry directly affects air and water quality, elements that are crucial for your farming and ranching activities. You understand the importance of clean air and water for the health of your crops, livestock, and communities.

Therefore, you are in an influential position to advocate for policies that ensure a healthier and more sustainable future. This is why your support for a ballot initiative to phase out fracking after 2030 in Colorado is so vital.

Your backing can make a significant difference in preserving our natural resources and ensuring a cleaner, more prosperous Colorado.

Endorse the ballot initiative

Quotes from farmers and ranchers supporting the ballot initiative

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“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you.”

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Details of your work go here.

“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you.”

Name of endorser

Details of your work go here.

“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you.”

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