Support the ballot initiative for a gradual phase out of fracking permits in colorado

Parents for Phasing Out Fracking

As parents, you have a critical role in shaping the future of Colorado for your children and their generation. The extraction of oil and gas is a substantial contributor to climate change, posing a significant threat to the world your children and their peers will inherit. Despite the oil and gas industry constituting a small part of Colorado’s economy, it creates a disproportionately large environmental and public health impact.

Your perspective is particularly important as protectors of your children’s future. You understand the balance between economic growth and preserving the health of our communities and environment for generations to come.

As parents, you are in a powerful position to advocate for policies that ensure a healthier, more sustainable future. Your support for a ballot initiative to phase out fracking after 2030 in Colorado is essential. Your backing can greatly influence the path towards a healthier, more prosperous Colorado, where the interests of both current and future generations are preserved.

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Quotes from parents supporting the ballot initiative

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A little bit about you

“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you as a parent.”

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A little bit about you

“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you as a parent.”

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