Support the ballot initiative for a gradual phase out of fracking permits in colorado

Scientists for Phasing Out Fracking

As scientists, you hold a pivotal role in interpreting the natural world and informing the future of Colorado. The extraction of oil and gas is a significant contributor to climate change, posing a considerable threat to the world our successors and future generations will inherit.

Despite the oil and gas industry making up a small portion of Colorado’s economy, it manifests a disproportionate environmental and public health consequence.

With your unique ability to decipher complex phenomena and steer scientific understanding, you are in a critical position to advocate for policies that secure a healthier, more sustainable future for all. This is why your backing for a ballot initiative to phase out fracking after 2030 in Colorado is so crucial.

Endorse the ballot initiative

Quotes from scientists supporting the ballot initiative

Chuck Kutscher

Dr. Kutscher has spent his career as a researcher, manager, teacher, and speaker specializing in renewable energy and climate change solutions. He is lead author of the college textbook, Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems.

“Two decades ago, Colorado citizens led the nation by passing a ballot measure that put us on the path to a clean electric grid. Now, we’re at it again with a new initiative that will finally transition us off fossil fuels—the root cause of climate change.”

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“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you.”

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“Add a quote here about why phasing out fracking is important to you.”

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